North Pacific Fishery Management Council

North Pacific Fishery Management Council

Ecosystem Committee - 01/26/21

NPFMC Meetings
Closed for written comment at 01/26/2021 08:00 AM AKST
Meeting Time: 01/26/2021 09:00 AM AKST

Ecosystem Committee
January 26, 2021, 9am - 3 pm Alaska Time

Connections Instructions for Adobe Connect

Online meeting via AdobeConnect at:
You can dial 1-800-832-0736 room number 1233114# to participate with a telephone connection only. 

Opportunities for public comment will be offered for each agenda item at the discretion of the committee chair. Written comments will be accepted by emailing to

Comments and Meeting information
0 Comments Please leave comments for all agenda items here
Attachments: 1.26 Agenda -Uploaded: 01/21/2021 04:19 PM AKST
Council meeting summary and update
Committee chair Bill Tweit will provide a summary of the December 2020 Council meeting
Attachments: ECO Minutes 11.12.20 -Uploaded: 01/21/2021 12:21 PM AKST
FEP and Climate Change Task Force report
0 Comments Diana Evans will provide a brief update from the Bering Sea Fishery Ecosystem Plan Team and Dr. Diana Stram and Dr. Kirstin Holsman will provide an update on the Climate Change Task Force
Attachments: PRESENTATION D3 BS FEP Team report - Feb 2021 -Uploaded: 01/25/2021 06:34 PM AKST
D3 BS FEP Team report March 2020 -Uploaded: 01/25/2021 06:35 PM AKST
Climate Change Action Module Draft Workplan Dec 2020 -Uploaded: 01/21/2021 04:19 PM AKST
CCTF December Minutes -Uploaded: 01/21/2021 04:20 PM AKST
PRESENTATION 2021_01_26_CCTFWP_overview_v2.3 -Uploaded: 01/26/2021 08:37 AM AKST
Deep-Sea coral research program implementation plan
0 Comments Dr. Jerry Hoff will provide a presentation on the Deep-Sea Coral research program implementation plan
Attachments: AK_DSCS_2020_Workshop_Report Final -Uploaded: 01/21/2021 12:05 PM AKST
PRESENTATION DSCRTP NPFMC Jan 2021 Hoff -Uploaded: 01/25/2021 01:58 PM AKST
EBFM Operationalization at AFSC
0 Comments Dr. Kalei Shotwell will provide a presentation on EBFM Operationalization at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Attachments: Update on Ecosystem and Socioeconomic Profiles (ESPs) -Uploaded: 01/22/2021 02:43 PM AKST
PRESENTATION ESP Ecosystem Committee 2021_Shotwell -Uploaded: 01/26/2021 08:16 AM AKST
Marine invasive species prevention best practices
0 Comments Linda Shaw will provide a presentation on best practices to limit marine invasive species from shipping
Attachments: PRESENTATION_Shaw_Biofouling -Uploaded: 01/21/2021 12:52 PM AKST
FinalCCBiofoulingWhitePaper11Apr17 -Uploaded: 01/21/2021 11:34 AM AKST
Kaplan et al 2017 sea scallops Dvex -Uploaded: 01/21/2021 11:34 AM AKST
kaplan-et-al-2017-invasive-tunicate-restructure-invert-community -Uploaded: 01/21/2021 11:34 AM AKST
Ecosystem Workshop Planning
0 Comments The committee will discuss and begin planning for the Council's State of the Ecosystem Workshop
Attachments: ECO Minutes 11.12.20 -Uploaded: 01/21/2021 12:26 PM AKST
Future Ecosystem Committee work planning
0 Comments The committee will briefly discussing plans for the next committee meeting
0 Comments Report from January 2021 meeting
Attachments: ECO 1.21 Report FINAL -Uploaded: 02/01/2021 10:01 AM AKST