North Pacific Fishery Management Council

North Pacific Fishery Management Council

NPFMC October 2004 - 168th

NPFMC Meetings
Closed for written comment at 10/05/2004 05:00 PM AKDT

Meeting Navigation

Meeting Time: 10/06/2004 08:00 AM AKDT

AGENDA - 168th Plenary Session

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council will meet October 6-12, 2004, at the Centennial Hall, 330 Harbor Drive, Sitka, Alaska. Other meetings to be held during the week are:

Advisory Panel: Oct 4, Mon 8am - Maksoutoff Room
Scientific and Statistical Commitee: Oct 4, Mon 8am - Rousseau Room

All meetings are open to the public, except executive sessions of the Council. Other committee and workgroup meetings may be scheduled on short notice during the week and will be posted at the hotel. 

A1 Approval of Agenda
Attachments: Agenda -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:13 PM AKDT
Newsletter -Uploaded: 05/26/2021 12:28 PM AKDT
Time Log -Uploaded: 08/30/2021 09:52 AM AKDT
Meeting Audio -Uploaded: 06/28/2021 01:23 PM AKDT
A2 Approval of Minutes (T)
Attachments: SSC Minutes -Uploaded: 06/18/2021 09:22 AM AKDT
AP Minutes -Uploaded: 06/18/2021 09:22 AM AKDT
Council Minutes -Uploaded: 06/18/2021 09:22 AM AKDT
A3 Election of Officers
B1 B Reports
Attachments: B1 Executive Directors Report -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:14 PM AKDT
B2 NMFS Management Report -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:14 PM AKDT
B4 Coast Guard Report -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:14 PM AKDT
B5 ADF&G Report -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:14 PM AKDT
B6 USFWS Report -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:15 PM AKDT
B7 Protected Species Report -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:15 PM AKDT
C1 C1(a) Aleutian Island Pollock
Attachments: C1(a) AI Pollock -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:15 PM AKDT
C2 C1(b) GOA Groundfish Rationalization
Attachments: C1(b) GOA Groundfish Rationalization -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:15 PM AKDT
C3 C2 GOA Rockfish Demonstration Project
Attachments: C2 GOA Rockfish Demonstration Project -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:16 PM AKDT
C4 C3(a) EFH and Habitat Area Particular Concern (HAPC)
Attachments: C3(a) Review of HAPC EA RIR IRFA -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:16 PM AKDT
C5 C3(b-d) Receive CIE, EFH, EIS
Attachments: C3(b-d) Receive CIE review, Report on EFH and EIS -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:18 PM AKDT
Attachments: C4 IR IU -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:33 PM AKDT
C7 C5 CDQ Program
Attachments: C5 CDQ Fisheries Management -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:33 PM AKDT
C8 C6 Halibut/Sablefish IFQ Program
Attachments: C6(a) CDQ Program -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:34 PM AKDT
C6(b) Halibut Sablefish IFQ Program -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:54 PM AKDT
D1 C7 Halibut Subsistence
Attachments: C7 Halibut Subsistence -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:34 PM AKDT
D2 D1 Scallop Management
Attachments: D1 Scallop Management -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:34 PM AKDT
D3 D2 Crab Management
Attachments: D2 Crab Management -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:34 PM AKDT
D4 D3 Groundfish Management
Attachments: D3(a) Review AI Pollock ICA -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:35 PM AKDT
D3(b-c) Review Non-Target Species Committee & Rockfish Management -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:35 PM AKDT
D3(d) Initial Groundfish Specifications -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:35 PM AKDT
D3(e) Final FMP Updates -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:35 PM AKDT
D5 D4 Staff Tasking
Attachments: D4 Staff Tasking -Uploaded: 05/05/2021 12:36 PM AKDT
D6 D5 Other Business