North Pacific Fishery Management Council

North Pacific Fishery Management Council

Trawl Electronic Monitoring (EM) Committee - 05/31/22

NPFMC Meetings
Closed for written comment at 05/30/2022 05:00 PM AKDT
Meeting Time: 05/31/2022 08:00 AM AKDT

Trawl Electronic Monitoring Committee

May 31, 2022, 8am - 5pm Alaska Time (9am - 4pm Pacific Time)

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 814 3594 0027
Passcode: 413222

Dial by your location
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

All information provided through the eAgenda is part of the public record. 

Expected outcomes from this meeting:


Review Trawl EM Initial Review analysis and provide comments, recommendations for Council. Determine if Committee would like to meet again to review draft prior to Council final action tentatively scheduled for October.

Comments and Meeting information
0 Comments Please leave comments for all agenda items here
1. Introductions, review and approve agenda
Attachments: Trawl EM May 2022 agenda -Uploaded: 05/13/2022 12:50 PM AKDT
2. Trawl EM Initial Review Analysis
EA/RIR Initial Review- Presentation and discussion will focus on the following aspects of the analysis although other topics may be covered.
Attachments: C4 Trawl EM Initial Review Analysis -Uploaded: 05/18/2022 02:43 PM AKDT
EARIR presentation_TEM CMTE -Uploaded: 05/31/2022 07:32 AM AKDT
Opt-in timing for EM for GOA pollock participants
Attachments: PreCouncil_0526_OptInOut Data -Uploaded: 06/01/2022 04:20 PM AKDT
Tender EM vessel provisions
Vessel performance standards for GOA pollock trip limits and MRAs
Monitoring requirements for processors
Biological sampling
Salmon accounting improvements
Collecting data on species EM doesn't capture
Stock assessment data stream updates
Funding for EM video review
Approaches for EM contract with service provider for video review
Cost elements and comparisons
3. Committee discussion, recommendations for analysis
(group discussion)
4. Update for NFWF grant applications for final year of the project
Note earlier deadline this year (NFWF EM funding RFP applications are due June 7)
5. Scheduling and other issues
(group discussion)