North Pacific Fishery Management Council

North Pacific Fishery Management Council

SSC workshop - Ecosystem response and management effects of rapid change in northern Bering and Chukchi Seas

NPFMC Meetings
Closed for written comment at 03/01/2023 12:00 AM AKST
Meeting Time: 02/07/2023 07:00 AM AKST

SSC workshop: Rapid change in the northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas - Identifying ecosystem responses and effects on the management of Federal fisheries

February 7-8, 2023

Courtyard Ballroom, Renaissance Hotel, Seattle, WA; and online - zoom info:

The purpose of the workshop is to identify the science and monitoring reuqirements for supporting future Council decision-making under increased uncertainty, given recent extreme environmental events in the northern Bering Sea region. The workshop will consider how species that are currently managed under the Bering Sea Fishery Management Plans will respond to environmental changes and the potential socioeconomic and cultural impacts on those fishermen, communities, and Tribes who rely on these marine resources. The intent is to explore proactive management approaches for achieving management goals in a changing environment, and an assessment of how existing frmaeworks may or may not be able to address ecosystem variability. The report and recommendations from this workshop will be considered by the SSC, AP, and Council at the April 2023 meeting.

Public comment: Written public comment can be submitted ahead of the February workshop. There will also be brief public comment periods each day during the workshop. Finally, the SSC will open second public comment period after the workshop through the end of February for any additional public comments that may inform the development of the workshop report.

Parking: There is a discounted NPFMC parking rate of $22 for the meeting, based on availability. Self park in the hotel lot and bring your receipt to the front desk to get stamped with the discounted rate.

Report from Workshop

0 Comments Between Feb 8-28, please submit here any additional thoughts on the workshop for the SSC to consider in developing the report to the Council for April
Attachments: Workshop Agenda and Session Descriptions (LINK) -Uploaded: 01/13/2023 03:08 PM AKST
2 Comments Please submit all written comments in advance of the workshop here
Attachments: SSC flyer soliciting comments -Uploaded: 02/07/2023 08:07 AM AKST
Attachments: Final SSC Feb 2023 Workshop Report -Uploaded: 08/08/2023 06:59 PM AKDT
SSC 2023 Workshop Flyer (link) -Uploaded: 08/08/2023 07:01 PM AKDT
Welcome, Introductions, Workshop objectives
Attachments: Council Perspective_Tweit_PPT -Uploaded: 02/07/2023 11:40 AM AKST
Council Perspective_Tweit_Remarks -Uploaded: 03/10/2023 09:50 AM AKST
SCS7 Overview_Stram -Uploaded: 02/07/2023 08:39 AM AKST
Science Management Needs_Foy -Uploaded: 02/07/2023 08:39 AM AKST
Session 1: What do we know about the current state and near-term future environmental and ecological states of the northern Bering Sea and southern Chukchi Sea?
Attachments: Physical Oceanography_Danielson -Uploaded: 02/07/2023 11:36 AM AKST
Phytoplankton and Zooplankton_Kimmel -Uploaded: 02/07/2023 08:40 AM AKST
Epibenthos_Logerwell-Sutton -Uploaded: 02/07/2023 09:22 AM AKST
Seabirds_Gall -Uploaded: 02/07/2023 08:40 AM AKST
Mammals_Cameron -Uploaded: 02/07/2023 11:32 AM AKST
Commercial Groundfish_Mueter -Uploaded: 02/07/2023 08:40 AM AKST
Open mic / public comment: what else should the SSC consider to address Council goals?
Recap and SSC Discussion of Session 1
Attachments: Recap of Session 1 -Uploaded: 02/08/2023 06:57 AM AKST
Incorporating climate predictions into ecosystem response predictions - NOAA initiatives
Attachments: ACLIM_Holsman -Uploaded: 02/08/2023 07:27 AM AKST
Session 2: What data do we need to collect or monitor in the northern Bering Sea and the southern Chukchi Sea?
Attachments: S2 Discussion Prompts -Uploaded: 02/08/2023 09:25 AM AKST
Session 3: Science to management: what tools do we have or need to apply these data to management of Bering Sea Fisheries?
Attachments: Nonstationarity and Dynamic reference points_Cunningham-Stewart -Uploaded: 02/07/2023 08:41 AM AKST
Open mic / public comment: what else should the SSC consider to address Council goals?
SSC Discussion and Workshop Recommendations