North Pacific Fishery Management Council

North Pacific Fishery Management Council

Fishery Monitoring Advisory Committee - 03/27/19 - Subgroup

NPFMC Meetings
Closed for written comment at 03/26/2019 05:00 PM AKDT
1 Comment
Meeting Time: 03/27/2019 12:00 PM AKDT

Fishery Monitoring Advisory Committee SUBGROUP
March 27, 2019: 12:00pm – 4:00pm (or as necessary)
Teleconference number: 907-271-2896

Expected Outcomes from this meeting:
- Recommendations for the FMAC regarding cost savings and increased coverage
- Recommendations for the Council regarding other items as necessary

TASK from the Council: Develop recommendations for how to potentially lower costs and increase observer coverage rates in the partial coverage observer category for groundfish and halibut fisheries, while maintaining: the data sufficient for managing the fisheries; randomized deployment; and, cost equity considerations among participants. This may include providing input on differential deployment base levels by gear type.

1 Comment Please leave comments for all agenda items here
Attachments: FMACSubgroupREPORT0319 -Uploaded: 04/01/2019 03:08 PM AKDT
2. Cost Savings
a. Updates since the last meeting of the Subgroup (E. Figus)
Attachments: January 17 Meeting Report -Uploaded: 03/26/2019 12:47 PM AKDT
b. Finalize recommendations for the FMAC (Group)
3. Other Items (time permitting)
a. Fee Analysis
b. Other items at the discretion of the Chair
Attachments: Website Related to Pro-Tech Contract Discussion -Uploaded: 03/27/2019 01:50 PM AKDT
4. Scheduling
a. Scheduling (Chair + Group)