North Pacific Fishery Management Council

North Pacific Fishery Management Council

Crab Plan Team - 05/08/18-05/10/18

NPFMC Meetings
Closed for written comment at 05/10/2018 05:00 PM AKDT

Meeting Navigation

Meeting Time: 05/08/2018 09:00 AM AKDT

BSAI Crab Plan Team Meeting
May 8-10, 2018
Anchorage Hilton Hotel
Anchorage, AK

Tuesday - May 8, 2018
1. ADMINISTRATIVE - Introductions; finalize agenda; minutes assignments; documents/timing for next Council meeting (June). Webex information posted daily to North Pacific Council’s Crab Plan Team webpage and Google Calendar
Attachments: Crustacean Age Project (Rebert) -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:52 AM AKDT
2. Research Priorities - Introduce and discuss method
Attachments: Crab Research Priorities 2018 -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:53 AM AKDT
3. Stock Prioritization - Discussion of stock prioritization and issues with PIBKC
4. BSFRF update - BSFRF survey discussion
Attachments: GoodmanBSFRF_0518 -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:53 AM AKDT
5. Snow crab - Model discussions and scenarios for September assessment
Attachments: CPT_5_2018_opilio -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:53 AM AKDT
Snow Crab presentation -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:53 AM AKDT
6. AIGKC - Final Tier 3 Assessment: OFL and ABC
Attachments: AIGKC Assess Model 2018 CRAB SAFEdraft Updated -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:54 AM AKDT
AppendixG_AIGKC 2018 CPUE Diagnostic Figures -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:54 AM AKDT
AIGKC Assess Model 0518 CPT Presentation Updated -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:54 AM AKDT
Wednesday - May 9, 2018
7. Tanner crab - Model discussions and scenarios for September assessment, terminal year retrospective and B0 calculation
Attachments: TannerCrab201805_CPTMeeting.4 -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:54 AM AKDT
OFCs.DataComponents -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:54 AM AKDT
OFL.Results -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:54 AM AKDT
Params.AtBounds -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:54 AM AKDT
Params.Values -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:54 AM AKDT
CPT_May2018_Shipley -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:54 AM AKDT
8. BBRKC - GMACs application; model discussions and scenarios for September assessment
Attachments: RKC_safe_0518 -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:55 AM AKDT
CPT Presentation_GMACS -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:55 AM AKDT
BBRKC presentation -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:55 AM AKDT
9. NSRKC - Overview of commercial and subsistence fisheries; Observer Program data and Tier 3 considerations
Attachments: May_2018_CPT_Commercial_Fishery_Presentation -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:56 AM AKDT
2018 May NSRKC observer data -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:56 AM AKDT
10. SMBKC - Model discussions and scenarios for September assessment
11. Crab observer data - Update on legal, retained/not-retained classification for crab observer data collection
Thursday - May 10, 2018
12. NPRB project - Update on growth project
Attachments: CPT Presentation_Growth -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:56 AM AKDT
13. Econ SAFE - Review Crab Economic SAFE report
Attachments: Crab Economic SAFE (LINK) -Uploaded: 04/07/2019 09:55 AM AKDT