North Pacific Fishery Management Council

North Pacific Fishery Management Council

SSC June 2024

NPFMC Meetings
Closed for written comment at 05/31/2024 12:00 PM AKDT

Meeting Navigation

Meeting Time: 06/03/2024 08:00 AM AKDT

Scientific and Statistical Committee, June 3-4, 2024, Kodiak Marketplace, Kodiak, Alaska; 8am-5pm


Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 814 5113 0091     
Or join by phone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782

This meeting is being conducted remotely with a web broadcast that provides the opportunity for remote public comment. In the event an outage occurs or technical issues arise that impact the experience of remote attendees, we will attempt to resolve them but ultimately we cannot guarantee that they will be resolved satisfactorily.


Public comment:

Please submit written comment for the SSC by clicking on the 'Comment Now' links next to the relevant agenda item, below. The comment period will open on May 10, 2024 and the deadline for written comments is 12:00 pm (Alaska time) on Friday, May 31st, 2024. Please make sure your comments adhere to the Council's comment policy. The SSC will also take oral testimony in-person and remote during the meetings. During the meeting, you will be able to click on the applicable 'Sign-up' link next to each agenda item below, and you will also be asked to indicate if you will be testifying in person, or remotely


The SSC meeting will be broadcast on zoom. If you intend to give oral testimony remotely, you must be connected to the meeting, either through zoom on your device or through the call-in phone number. All information provided through the eAgenda or during testimony is part of the public record. We are recording the meeting and will post the recordings shortly after the meeting is over. 


If you'd like to receive text alerts on Council timing, text the word "NPFMC" to the number 1-833-237-1598.


Related meetings:

SSC Research Priorities Virtual Meeting: May 17, 2024; eAgenda

Climate Scenario Workshop: June 5-6, 2024; eAgenda
Council and Advisory Panel - AGENDA                          

SSC Admin Issues
Attachments: Schedule (LINK) -Uploaded: 04/24/2024 01:24 PM AKDT
SSC June 2024 Final Report (link) -Uploaded: 07/17/2024 01:10 PM AKDT
C1 Observer Report
0 Comments NMFS Observer Program Recommendations for 2025
Attachments: C1 Action Memo -Uploaded: 05/31/2024 03:12 PM AKDT
C1 Observer Program 2023 Annual Report (chap 6) -Uploaded: 05/10/2024 02:36 PM AKDT
PPT C1 2023 Annual Report -Uploaded: 06/03/2024 08:27 AM AKDT
C2 BSAI Crab Specs
0 Comments Aleutian Islands Golden King Crab SAFE report and ABC/OFL
Attachments: C2 Action Memo -Uploaded: 05/31/2024 03:41 PM AKDT
C2 AIGKC Intro -Uploaded: 05/21/2024 10:54 AM AKDT
C2 AIGKC Safe Chapter -Uploaded: 05/23/2024 01:03 PM AKDT
PPT C2 BSAI Crab -Uploaded: 06/03/2024 11:12 AM AKDT
C2 BSAI Crab Specs
0 Comments Crab Plan Team Report
Attachments: C2 CPT May eAgenda -Uploaded: 06/03/2024 10:50 AM AKDT
C2 CPT May 2024 Report -Uploaded: 06/03/2024 10:54 AM AKDT
C4 Small Sablefish Release
0 Comments Initial Review Analysis
Attachments: C4 Action Memo -Uploaded: 05/29/2024 09:55 AM AKDT
C4 Small Sablefish Release Analysis -Uploaded: 05/21/2024 05:12 PM AKDT
PPT C4 Small Sablefish -Uploaded: 06/04/2024 07:40 AM AKDT
PPT C4 Small Sablefish Projections -Uploaded: 06/03/2024 04:01 PM AKDT
D2 BSAI Crab Program Review
3 Comments Program Review Report
Attachments: D2 Action Memo -Uploaded: 05/31/2024 12:01 PM AKDT
D2 BSAI Crab Program Review -Uploaded: 05/17/2024 07:33 PM AKDT
D2 PNCIAC May 22 Meeting Minutes (LINK) -Uploaded: 06/04/2024 08:32 AM AKDT
PPT D2 Crab Rationalization Program -Uploaded: 06/04/2024 09:00 AM AKDT