North Pacific Fishery Management Council

North Pacific Fishery Management Council

NPFMC Council/AP June 2024 - 270th

NPFMC Meetings
Closed for written comment at 05/31/2024 12:00 PM AKDT

Meeting Navigation

Meeting Time: 06/03/2024 08:00 AM AKDT

Council, June 7-12, 2024; Kodiak Marketplace, Kodiak, Alaska; 8am-5pm

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 814 5113 0091     
Or join by phone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782


Advisory PanelJune 4th, and 7-9, 2024; Kodiak Marketplace, Kodiak, Alaska; 8am-5pm

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 886 7161 2019
Or join by phone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 

This meeting is being conducted remotely with a web broadcast that provides the opportunity for remote public comment. In the event an outage occurs or technical issues arise that impact the experience of remote attendees, we will attempt to resolve them but ultimately we cannot guarantee that they will be resolved satisfactorily.


Public comment:

Please submit written comment for the Council and Advisory Panel by clicking on the 'Comment Now' links next to the relevant agenda item, below. The comment period will open on May 10, 2024, and the deadline for written comments is Friday, May 31st at 12pm AKT. Submitted comments will be reviewed then visible online after the deadline closes, as per the Council's comment policy


The AP and Council will also take in-person and remote oral testimony during the meetings. During the meeting, you will be able to click on the applicable 'Sign-up' link next to each agenda item below, and indicate whether or not you'll be testifying remotely or in person. 


The AP and the Council meetings will be broadcast on zoom. If you intend to give oral testimony remotely, you must be connected to the meeting, either through zoom on your device or using a call-in phone number above. All information provided through the eAgenda or during testimony is part of the public record. We are recording the meetings, and links to the Council recordings will be posted shortly after the meeting is concluded. 

If you'd like to receive text alerts on Council timing, text the word "NPFMC" to the number 1-833-237-1598.


Related meetings:

Climate Scenario Workshop: June 5-6, 2024; eAgenda

Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC), June 3-4, 2024; AGENDA


A1 Approval of Agenda
Attachments: Schedule (LINK) -Uploaded: 04/24/2024 01:24 PM AKDT
Review Document Schedule -Uploaded: 04/29/2024 01:39 PM AKDT
YouTube Recordings (link) -Uploaded: 06/14/2024 11:13 AM AKDT
Newsletter (link) -Uploaded: 06/20/2024 11:55 AM AKDT
B1 Executive Director's Report (including CCC meeting update) (oral)
Attachments: B1 ED Report -Uploaded: 06/04/2024 04:03 PM AKDT
B1 EEJ Public Meeting Flyer June 4th -Uploaded: 05/15/2024 03:11 PM AKDT
B1 Kodiak Lab Open House Flyer June 5 -Uploaded: 05/31/2024 11:04 AM AKDT
B1 Kodiak Reception Flyer June 6th -Uploaded: 05/30/2024 01:54 PM AKDT
B1 Life Honoring Celebration for Kenny Down June 8th -Uploaded: 06/06/2024 09:52 AM AKDT
B2 NMFS Management Report (oral)
Attachments: B2 NMFS Report June 2024 -Uploaded: 05/31/2024 05:46 PM AKDT
B2 BSAI Crab C Shares and Custom Processing Approval Letter -Uploaded: 05/21/2024 04:56 PM AKDT
B2 Groundfish Trawl EM Approval Letter -Uploaded: 05/21/2024 05:45 PM AKDT
B2 RQE Funding Discussion Paper -Uploaded: 05/28/2024 04:33 PM AKDT
B2 Response to SalmonER petition -Uploaded: 05/30/2024 09:31 AM AKDT
B2 NMFS Tribal Engagement Report -Uploaded: 05/30/2024 12:38 PM AKDT
B2 Status of Amendments June 2024 -Uploaded: 06/04/2024 11:00 AM AKDT
B3 NOAA General Counsel Report
Attachments: B3 Designated Official Memo -Uploaded: 05/22/2024 09:47 AM AKDT
B3 Recusal determinations -Uploaded: 05/22/2024 09:47 AM AKDT
B3 Litigation Rept Groundfish Forum v NMFS -Uploaded: 05/30/2024 09:25 AM AKDT
B3 Litigation Rept AVCP v NMFS -Uploaded: 06/01/2024 09:25 AM AKDT
B3 Litigation Report UCIDA v NMFS -Uploaded: 06/05/2024 03:40 PM AKDT
B4 NOAA Enforcement Report
Attachments: B4 OLE Report -Uploaded: 05/28/2024 12:32 PM AKDT
B5 AFSC Report (oral)
Attachments: B5 AFSC Report -Uploaded: 06/07/2024 08:33 AM AKDT
PPT Science Updates CSW -Uploaded: 06/07/2024 09:53 AM AKDT
B6 ADF&G Report
Attachments: B6 ADFG Report -Uploaded: 05/31/2024 03:31 PM AKDT
ADFG press release – response to ESA petition to list GOA Chinook salmon (LINK) -Uploaded: 06/04/2024 02:55 PM AKDT
B6 Chinook 90 Day Comment Extension -Uploaded: 06/04/2024 02:52 PM AKDT
B6 Chinook Biological Review Team -Uploaded: 06/04/2024 02:52 PM AKDT
B6 Review of WFC Petition to list Chinook Salmon Under ESA -Uploaded: 06/04/2024 02:52 PM AKDT
B7 USCG Report
Attachments: B7 USCG Report -Uploaded: 05/28/2024 04:33 PM AKDT
B8 USFWS Report
B9 North Pacific Research Board Report (oral)
Attachments: B9 NPRB Report -Uploaded: 06/07/2024 11:52 AM AKDT
B10 19 Comments Public Comment on B1 through B9 agenda items
B11 SSC Report
Attachments: C1 SSC Report June 2024_DRAFT -Uploaded: 06/06/2024 01:29 PM AKDT
PPT SSC Report -Uploaded: 06/08/2024 07:49 AM AKDT
SSC DRAFT Report June 2024 -Uploaded: 06/08/2024 08:08 AM AKDT
SSC Report June 2024_FINAL -Uploaded: 07/17/2024 01:09 PM AKDT
B12 AP Report
Attachments: AP Report June 2024 -Uploaded: 06/20/2024 02:35 PM AKDT
C1 11 Comments C1 Observer Annual Report for 2023 – Review, FMAC Report
Attachments: C1 Action Memo -Uploaded: 05/31/2024 03:11 PM AKDT
C1 Observer Program 2023 Annual Report -Uploaded: 05/10/2024 02:37 PM AKDT
C1 PSMFC Fixed Gear EM 2023 Report -Uploaded: 05/10/2024 02:37 PM AKDT
C1 FMAC Meeting May 13-14 eAgenda (LINK) -Uploaded: 05/24/2024 11:50 AM AKDT
C1 FMAC report May 2024 -Uploaded: 05/29/2024 03:46 PM AKDT
PPT AP C1 2023 Annual Report -Uploaded: 06/03/2024 04:14 PM AKDT
PPT C1 FMAC -Uploaded: 06/04/2024 07:26 AM AKDT
PPT C1 2023 Annual Report -Uploaded: 06/07/2024 09:09 AM AKDT
C1 AP Report -Uploaded: 06/07/2024 08:41 AM AKDT
C1 Council Motion -Uploaded: 06/08/2024 09:19 AM AKDT
C2 10 Comments C2 BSAI Crab Harvest Specifications – AIGKC SAFE Report and ABC/OFL, Plan Team Report
Attachments: C2 Action Memo -Uploaded: 05/31/2024 03:40 PM AKDT
C2 AIGKC Intro -Uploaded: 05/21/2024 10:51 AM AKDT
C2 AIGKC Safe Chapter -Uploaded: 05/23/2024 01:02 PM AKDT
C2 CPT May eAgenda (link) -Uploaded: 05/10/2024 06:36 PM AKDT
C2 CPT May 2024 Report -Uploaded: 05/23/2024 01:12 PM AKDT
PPT AP C2 BSAI Crab -Uploaded: 06/04/2024 07:47 AM AKDT
C2 AP Report -Uploaded: 06/07/2024 08:41 AM AKDT
PPT C2 BSAI Crab -Uploaded: 06/08/2024 08:19 AM AKDT
C2 Council Motion -Uploaded: 06/08/2024 11:41 AM AKDT
C3 6 Comments C3 Area 4 Vessel Caps – Initial Review, IFQ Committee Report (Council ONLY)
Attachments: C3 Action Memo -Uploaded: 05/30/2024 09:22 AM AKDT
C3 Area 4 Vessel Caps Analysis -Uploaded: 05/02/2024 12:37 PM AKDT
C3 IFQ Committee Report March 2024 -Uploaded: 05/02/2024 11:50 AM AKDT
C3 IFQ Committee March eAgenda (link) -Uploaded: 05/02/2024 11:50 AM AKDT
C3 AP Report April 2024 -Uploaded: 05/02/2024 12:41 PM AKDT
C3 Public Comments submitted to April 2024 meeting (link) -Uploaded: 05/29/2024 09:59 AM AKDT
PPT C3 Vessel Caps -Uploaded: 06/08/2024 01:09 PM AKDT
C3 Council Motion DRAFT -Uploaded: 06/08/2024 03:20 PM AKDT
C3 Council Motion FINAL -Uploaded: 06/08/2024 03:42 PM AKDT
C4 10 Comments C4 Small Sablefish Release – Initial Review
Attachments: C4 Action Memo -Uploaded: 05/29/2024 09:54 AM AKDT
C4 Small Sablefish Release Analysis -Uploaded: 05/21/2024 05:10 PM AKDT
PPT AP C4 Small Sablefish -Uploaded: 06/07/2024 08:19 AM AKDT
PPT C4 Small Sablefish Presentation -Uploaded: 06/09/2024 07:47 AM AKDT
C4 AP Report -Uploaded: 06/09/2024 08:27 AM AKDT
C4 Council Motion DRAFT -Uploaded: 06/09/2024 01:50 PM AKDT
C4 Council Motion FINAL -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 11:47 AM AKDT
D1 28 Comments D1 Unobserved Fishing Mortality Workgroup – Review Report
Attachments: D1 Action Memo -Uploaded: 05/29/2024 09:58 AM AKDT
D1 UFMWG Report -Uploaded: 04/29/2024 01:35 PM AKDT
PPT D1 UFMWG -Uploaded: 06/07/2024 08:55 AM AKDT
D1 AP Report -Uploaded: 06/09/2024 10:27 AM AKDT
D1 Council Motion -Uploaded: 06/09/2024 04:16 PM AKDT
D2 11 Comments D2 BSAI Crab Program Review – Review Report
Attachments: D2 Action Memo -Uploaded: 05/31/2024 12:02 PM AKDT
D2 BSAI Crab Program Review -Uploaded: 05/17/2024 05:14 PM AKDT
D2 PNCIAC May 22 Meeting Minutes (LINK) -Uploaded: 06/04/2024 08:33 AM AKDT
D2 AP Report -Uploaded: 06/09/2024 03:13 PM AKDT
PPT D2 CR Program -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 08:01 AM AKDT
D2 Council Motion 1 -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 11:41 AM AKDT
D2 Council Motion 2 DRAFT -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 11:47 AM AKDT
D2 Council Motion 2 FINAL -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 12:22 PM AKDT
D2 Council Motion 3 -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 12:09 PM AKDT
D3 3 Comments D3 Central GOA Rockfish Program Review – Review Workplan
Attachments: D3 Action Memo -Uploaded: 05/30/2024 12:40 PM AKDT
D3 CGOA Rockfish Program Workplan -Uploaded: 04/29/2024 01:27 PM AKDT
PPT D3 CGOA Rockfish Program Workplan -Uploaded: 06/08/2024 01:26 PM AKDT
D3 AP Report -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 08:59 AM AKDT
D3 Council Motion -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 02:12 PM AKDT
D4 12 Comments D4 BSAI Pacific Cod Pot LAPP – Review Discussion Paper
Attachments: D4 Action Memo -Uploaded: 05/31/2024 03:08 PM AKDT
D4 BSAI Pot Cod LAPP Discussion Paper -Uploaded: 05/17/2024 05:14 PM AKDT
PPT AP D4 PCod LAPP -Uploaded: 06/08/2024 10:45 AM AKDT
PPT D4 PCod LAPP -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 11:55 AM AKDT
D4 AP Report -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 12:15 PM AKDT
D4 Council Motion DRAFT -Uploaded: 06/11/2024 08:13 AM AKDT
D4 Council Motion FINAL -Uploaded: 06/14/2024 01:32 PM AKDT
D5 8 Comments D5 Research Priorities – Adopt 5-Year Research Priorities
Attachments: D5 Action Memo -Uploaded: 05/10/2024 04:11 AM AKDT
SSC May 2024 meeting on Research Priorities (link) -Uploaded: 05/24/2024 05:32 PM AKDT
D5 SSC Report on Research Priorities -Uploaded: 05/24/2024 05:37 PM AKDT
PPT AP D5 Research Priorities -Uploaded: 06/04/2024 08:23 AM AKDT
D5 AP Report -Uploaded: 06/08/2024 09:44 AM AKDT
PPT D5 Research Priorities -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 04:35 PM AKDT
D5 Council Motion -Uploaded: 06/11/2024 09:58 AM AKDT
E1 8 Comments E Committees, New Business, and Tasking – Review; Preliminary Summary of Climate Scenarios Workshop themes
Attachments: E Action Memo -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 11:19 AM AKDT
E 3 Meeting Outlook - PRE-MTG DRAFT -Uploaded: 05/31/2024 12:14 PM AKDT
E Prelim Draft Oct 2024 Council schedule -Uploaded: 05/31/2024 12:14 PM AKDT
E Council staff one page - June 2024 -Uploaded: 05/31/2024 12:16 PM AKDT
E NPFMC Committees -Uploaded: 06/07/2024 11:14 AM AKDT
PPT AP E CSW Staff Tasking -Uploaded: 06/08/2024 02:19 PM AKDT
Climate Scenarios Workshop (CSW) eAgenda (link) -Uploaded: 06/07/2024 11:23 AM AKDT
CSW Feedback Form (link) -Uploaded: 06/07/2024 11:24 AM AKDT
PPT AP E1 CSW -Uploaded: 06/09/2024 10:58 AM AKDT
E 3 Meeting Outlook - DURING MTG -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 01:59 PM AKDT
PPT E Climate Scenarios Workshop -Uploaded: 06/10/2024 02:49 PM AKDT
E AP Report -Uploaded: 06/11/2024 08:52 AM AKDT
E Council Motion -Uploaded: 06/11/2024 12:59 PM AKDT