North Pacific Fishery Management Council

North Pacific Fishery Management Council

NPFMC Council/AP October 2024 - 271st

NPFMC Meetings
Open for written comment until 09/27/2024 12:00 PM AKDT

Meeting Navigation

All comments are part of the public record.
Meeting Time: 09/30/2024 08:00 AM AKDT

Council, September 30-October 8, 2024; Egan Center, Anchorage, Alaska; 8am-5pm

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 814 5113 0091     
Or join by phone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782


Advisory PanelOctober 1-4, 2024; Egan Center, Anchorage, Alaska; 8am-5pm

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 886 7161 2019
Or join by phone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 


Public comment:

Please submit written comment for the Council and Advisory Panel by clicking on the 'Comment Now' links next to the relevant agenda item, below. The comment period will open on September 9, 2024, and the deadline for written comments is Friday, September 27 at 12pm AKT. Submitted comments will be reviewed then visible online after the deadline closes, as per the Council's comment policy


The AP and Council will also take in-person and remote oral testimony during the meetings. During the meeting, you will be able to click on the applicable 'Sign-up' link next to each agenda item below, and indicate whether or not you'll be testifying remotely or in person. 


The AP and the Council meeting will be broadcast on zoom. If you intend to give oral testimony remotely, you must be connected to the meeting, either through zoom on your device or using a call-in phone number above. All information provided through the eAgenda or during testimony is part of the public record. We are recording the meeting and will post the recordings shortly after the meeting is over. 


If you'd like to receive text alerts on Council timing, text the word "NPFMC" to the number 1-833-237-1598.


Related meetings:

Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC), September 30-Oct 2, 2024; AGENDA
Legislative Committee, October 2, 2024; AGENDA


A1 Oath for new members
A2 Election of officers
A3 Approval of Agenda
Attachments: Schedule (link) -Uploaded: 08/01/2024 11:02 AM AKDT
Review Document Schedule (link) -Uploaded: 08/01/2024 11:02 AM AKDT
B1 Executive Director's Report (including Legislative Committee report) (oral)
Attachments: B1 GAO Review NOAA Fishery Disaster Assistance -Uploaded: 08/28/2024 10:13 AM AKDT
B1 Thorson GOA PT Nomination -Uploaded: 08/28/2024 11:40 AM AKDT
B1 Wassermann GOA PT Nomination -Uploaded: 08/28/2024 11:40 AM AKDT
Legislative Cmte eAgenda (link) -Uploaded: 09/09/2024 09:24 AM AKDT
B1 MREP North Pacific 2025 Flyer -Uploaded: 09/20/2024 12:51 PM AKDT
B2 NMFS Management Report (including pelagic trawl footrope EFP) (oral)
Attachments: B2 AM 113 Rockfish Program Approval ltr -Uploaded: 08/28/2024 09:05 AM AKDT
B2 EFH AM Approval Letter -Uploaded: 09/23/2024 02:11 PM AKDT
B2 Right Whale Critical Habitat -Uploaded: 09/25/2024 12:26 PM AKDT
B2 Trident EFP -Uploaded: 09/25/2024 12:47 PM AKDT
B3 NOAA General Counsel Report
Attachments: B3 Designated Official Memorandum -Uploaded: 09/23/2024 09:49 AM AKDT
B3 Recusal Determinations -Uploaded: 09/23/2024 09:49 AM AKDT
B3 Litigation Report for AVCP v NMFS -Uploaded: 09/18/2024 09:40 AM AKDT
B3 Litigation Report for Oceana v NMFS -Uploaded: 09/18/2024 10:10 AM AKDT
B3 Litigation Report Groundfish Forum v NMFS -Uploaded: 09/23/2024 10:03 AM AKDT
B3 Litigation Report for UCIDA v NMFS -Uploaded: 09/23/2024 10:39 AM AKDT
B4 AFSC Report (oral)
B5 ADF&G Report
Attachments: B5 Chinook Index 2024 Letter to NMFS -Uploaded: 09/24/2024 10:43 AM AKDT
B5 State Comments GOA Chinook ESA -Uploaded: 09/25/2024 01:15 PM AKDT
B6 USCG Report
B7 USFWS Report
B8 US Navy Report on training exercises and fisheries research
B9 North Pacific Fishery Commission (NPFC) Report
B10 Comment Now Public Comment on B1 through B9 agenda items
B11 SSC Report
B12 AP Report
C1 Comment Now C1 BSAI Crab specifications – review SAFE report; adopt ABC/OFLs for BBRKC, Tanner crab, snow crab, SMBKC; BSAI Crab Plan Team report; Ecosystem Status Report preview (SSC only)
Attachments: C1 Action Memo -Uploaded: 09/23/2024 03:04 PM AKDT
Crab PT eAgenda (link) -Uploaded: 09/09/2024 09:21 AM AKDT
C1 Crab Plan Team Report -Uploaded: 09/19/2024 02:51 PM AKDT
C1 BSAI Crab SAFE Introduction -Uploaded: 09/18/2024 10:46 AM AKDT
C1 SMBKC SAFE Chapter -Uploaded: 09/16/2024 11:56 AM AKDT
C1 Tanner Crab SAFE Chapter -Uploaded: 09/16/2024 12:01 PM AKDT
C1 BBRKC SAFE Chapter -Uploaded: 09/17/2024 11:20 AM AKDT
C1 BBRKC ESP Report Card -Uploaded: 09/16/2024 05:01 PM AKDT
C1 Snow Crab SAFE Chapter -Uploaded: 09/17/2024 11:20 AM AKDT
C1 Snow Crab SAFE Addendum -Uploaded: 09/19/2024 12:13 PM AKDT
C1 Snow Crab SAFE App A -Uploaded: 09/17/2024 11:20 AM AKDT
C1 Snow Crab ESP Report Card -Uploaded: 09/16/2024 05:02 PM AKDT
Link to Crab SAFE Chapter Appendices -Uploaded: 09/17/2024 11:29 AM AKDT
C2 Comment Now C2 Recreational Quota Entity implementation - approve proposed modifications to fee collection process (Council only)
Attachments: C2 Action Memo -Uploaded: 09/23/2024 03:05 PM AKDT
C2 RQE Funding Discussion Paper -Uploaded: 09/10/2024 10:46 AM AKDT
C3 Comment Now C3 Groundfish harvest specifications: a) BSAI Groundfish – Proposed specifications, Joint and BSAI Plan Team reports; b) GOA Groundfish – Proposed specifications, GOA Plan Team report; c) ESP updates for sablefish (SSC only); d) DMR Working Group report on marine mammal interactions; e) GOA rockfish spatial management - Discussion paper
Attachments: C3 Action Memo -Uploaded: 09/25/2024 07:13 AM AKDT
Groundfish PT eAgenda (link) -Uploaded: 09/09/2024 09:21 AM AKDT
C3 Halibut Abundance Index 2024 -Uploaded: 09/23/2024 09:43 AM AKDT
C3 Chinook Index 2024 letter to NMFS -Uploaded: 09/23/2024 09:47 AM AKDT
C3a Joint GFPT Report -Uploaded: 09/24/2024 02:46 PM AKDT
C3a BSAI Plan Team Report -Uploaded: 09/23/2024 02:31 PM AKDT
C3a BSAI Plan Team Proposed OFLs ABCs 2025-2026 Table 1 -Uploaded: 09/25/2024 07:05 AM AKDT
C3a BSAI Tables 7-12 Proposed 2025-2026 Specs -Uploaded: 09/25/2024 09:49 AM AKDT
C3b GOA GFPT Report Sept 2024 -Uploaded: 09/25/2024 08:02 AM AKDT
C3b GOA 2025 Proposed Tables -Uploaded: 09/24/2024 02:46 PM AKDT
C3b GOA 2025 Plan Team Proposed ABC-OFL Table 1 -Uploaded: 09/25/2024 02:57 PM AKDT
C3d DMR WG Report on Marine Mammals Interactions -Uploaded: 09/10/2024 07:08 PM AKDT
C3e GOA Rockfish Spatial Mgmt Discussion Paper -Uploaded: 09/18/2024 02:24 PM AKDT
C4 Comment Now C4 Observer issues –Review 2025 Annual Deployment Plan, Committee reports
Attachments: C4 Action Memo -Uploaded: 09/25/2024 03:11 PM AKDT
PCFMAC eAgenda (link) -Uploaded: 09/09/2024 09:22 AM AKDT
C4 PCFMAC Report Sept 2024 -Uploaded: 09/25/2024 03:25 PM AKDT
C4 Draft 2025 ADP -Uploaded: 09/10/2024 07:12 PM AKDT
C4 ODDS Trip Cancellations and Inherits -Uploaded: 09/23/2024 10:13 AM AKDT
FMAC eAgenda (link) -Uploaded: 09/24/2024 01:26 PM AKDT
C5 Comment Now C5 Crew Data Collection– Initial review
Attachments: C5 Action Memo -Uploaded: 09/23/2024 10:00 AM AKDT
C5 Crew Data Collection Analysis -Uploaded: 09/09/2024 10:24 AM AKDT
C6 Comment Now C6 Pelagic Trawl Gear Definition – Initial Review
Attachments: C6 Action Memo -Uploaded: 09/20/2024 12:49 PM AKDT
C6 Pelagic Trawl Gear Definition Analysis -Uploaded: 09/19/2024 10:04 AM AKDT
D1 Comment Now D1 Observer availability discussion paper – review, FMAC report
Attachments: D1 Action Memo -Uploaded: 09/24/2024 11:31 AM AKDT
FMAC eAgenda (link) -Uploaded: 09/09/2024 09:23 AM AKDT
D1 Observer Availability Discussion Paper -Uploaded: 09/18/2024 01:59 PM AKDT
D2 Comment Now D2 Climate funding: review a) Climate Scenario Workshop Report, b) Climate science and harvest specifications adjustments discussion paper/SCS8 report
Attachments: D2 Action Memo -Uploaded: 09/26/2024 07:30 AM AKDT
D2b Climate Science-SCS8 Discussion Paper -Uploaded: 09/16/2024 06:02 PM AKDT
D2a Climate Scenarios Workshop Report -Uploaded: 09/25/2024 05:03 PM AKDT
D3 Comment Now D3 IFQ Program Review Report – POSTPONED until December 2024
E1 Comment Now E Committees, New Business, and Tasking (including chum bycatch/ programmatic engagement discussion) - Review
Attachments: E1 Chum Salmon Bycatch Outreach Planning -Uploaded: 09/06/2024 04:44 PM AKDT